P&G | Always: #Min eisai Apousa

P&G | Always: #Min eisai Apousa

Always, in collaboration with MRB Hellas, conducted a survey, according to which it is estimated that more than 10.000 girls in Greece lose hours, even days from school due to lack of access to personal hygiene products, while 20% of moms say they have financial difficulties to buy sanitary pads. The difficulty of accessing period products creates a vicious circle: not only classes are missed but also moments from the student activities that mark a teenager's life. Always, by firmly supporting the empowerment of women, aimed to help girls stay in school through the #MinEIsaiApousa campaign.

The idea behind the #MinEisaiApousa was for the brand to create public awareness for the lack of personal hygiene products in a teenager’s life. That is, Always, faithful to the principles of the brand towards women's empowerment, created the #mineisaiapousa campaign. Always joined forces with the NGO "Together for Children" to help girls not miss school.

Always launched (in two phases) the #MinEisaiApousa campaign to ensure that the lack of protection during a girls menstrual cycle would not hinder their  learning and self-confidence. Always and the NGO "Together for Children" joined forces to ensure that no girl would miss school due to the lack of women's hygiene products caused by financial hardship. Through this cooperation, the distribution of 1.740.000 products in different regions of Greece was achieved. Always's strategic choice for highlighting the problem was Zeta Douka, a known  advocate for girls' empowerment, along with the help of a variety of other influencers who become aware and key opinion leaders of the issue. The aim was to raise awareness of this social problem, to raise public awareness and to actively participate in a campaign of sensitivity and offering.



Touchpoint Strategies

Address: 350 Kifisias Avenue & 2 Christou Lada, 152 33 Chalandri, Athens, Greece

Telephone: +30 210 8114620

Email: info@touchpoint.gr